The cutting edge in glider navigation

Reducing pilot workload in the cockpit is our main goal. We do it by making the system as easy and intuitive to use, as possible. We communicate with our pilots on a daily basis, receiving crucial feedback for further development of our systems. In making this happen, we allow the pilot more time to be looking out of the cockpit, thinking of his final glide, observing the weather and surrounding gliders, helping him enhance his flying skills.

LX 10K
Compact and capable – the LX 10K
Digital & Analogue indicator
Developed on our new ARM-based hardware platform, the LX 10K is an extremely capable unit. With Wi-Fi and Bluetooth included, you are able to access all capabilities of the LX Cloud ecosystem.
Together with the digital or analogue indicator, they perfectly fit existing holes from legacy LX instruments, such as LX 5000, LX 7007, etc. Thus making it an excellent value and simple to install replacement.
With it’s built-in reserve battery 4 dedicated navigation pages and IGC with ENL certification, it will cover a wide area of gliding – from beginner flights in the airport vicinity, to competition flying internationally.

LX Zeus
The single most intuitive system out there
2.8” / 4.3” / 5.5” / 7.0”
Our most advanced system, featuring the new Era variometer as standard from now on. With the Wi-Fi function of the Era, the Zeus is capable of exploiting the LX Cloud ecosystem.
The Zeus is paired with a fully-featured standalone variometer, and not just a vario indicator. This change in logic allows for greater redundancy, as the Era variometer feature a built-in reserve battery, IGC and ENL certification and all required sensors, meaning you will not loose your navigation nor your IGC flight, if you loose your power.
Our intuitive OS5 reduces pilot workload, brings all functions closer to the pilot and makes everything clear with labelled push-buttons. Further ease of use is enabled with the LX Joy remote stick.